I hate the terminology "bitch drink"; its so demeaning in so many ways.
But where did these alcohol gender identities come from anyway? First and foremost (the obvious) advertising. This doesn't require much explaining, we all know that products are marketed to target audiences, and gender is one element used to define who those target audiences are. Secondly I would have to say peer pressure; good old 7th grade have to buy those new shoes, peer pressure. We as the collective group of alcohol consumers (both legal and under age) reinforce the gender identities by coming up with terminology like "bitch drink".
Kinda like when girls laugh at me for drinking a couple of Zimas
Way to go gender stereotypes. Makes all those marketers think twice eh?
"Maybe we should sell some girly drinks Ron!"
Should guys be drinking a bitch drink at a place that is showing football?
There's your problem!
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